Đại lý phân phối ASHCROFT tại Việt Nam

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Đại lý phân phối sản phẩm  ASHCROFT tại Việt Nam

Chuyên phân phối Thiết bị đo áp suất, Thiết bị đo nhiệt độ, Thiết bị kiểm tra ASHCROFT


Thiết bị đo áp suất ASHCROFT 


Đồng hồ đo áp suất ASHCROFT (Pressure gauges)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Đồng hồ đo áp suất ASHCROFT 

Đồng hồ đo áp suất

ASHCROFT 1259 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 8008A 8008S 8009S pressure gauge

ASHCROFT T5500 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 40/50/63/100mm 1008S pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 2084, 2086, 2089 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT T6500 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1379 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1128 1188 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1490 1495 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1209 1220 1259 process gauge

ASHCROFT  1008A/AL pressure gauge

ASHCROFT  1000 1005 1005P 1005S 1009 1010 1017 1032 1036 1109 pressure gauge

ASHCROFT  SB SC SUBSEA pressure gauge

ASHCROFT  2071AA contractor pressure gauge

ASHCROFT  1209 12DDG/15DDG  direct drive gauge

ASHCROFT  23DDG  mini pressure gauge

ASHCROFT  HPT-63mm pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 2008-63mm panel pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1279 1462 duragauge pressure gauge

ASHCROFT DG25 digital test gauge

ASHCROFT 1082 test gauge, ASHCROFT 1084 test gauge

ASHCROFT 1127 1128 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1140 1141 1142 1143 1147 differential pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 5503 differential pressure gauge

ASHCROFT F5504 differential pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1020 Christmas tree pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 2074, 2174, 2274 digital pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1377 duragauge pressure gauge

ASHCROFT 1001T panel mount gauge

ASHCROFT HPX Miniature high purity pressure gauge - 28mm

ASHCROFT HPS high purity pressure gauge with reed switch

ASHCROFT HPX high-purity pressure gauge - 50mm/ 63mm

ASHCROFT 1150HH reid vapor test pressure gauge

ASHCROFT Acid leak detection (ADL) 

ASHCROFT  1005P XUL fire protection sprinklersprinkler service gauge

ASHCROFT  1007P and 1001T XOR refrigeration pressure gauge

ASHCROFT  TC tank level gauge

ASHCROFT  N5500 low pressure capsule gauge


Công tắc áp suất ASHCROFT (Pressure switches)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Công tắc áp suất ASHCROFT 

The Ashcroft APA and APS watertight miniature pressure switch

The Ashcroft APA and APS explosion proof miniature pressure switches

The Ashcroft B-Series NEMA 4X pressure switch

The Ashcroft B-Series NEMA 7/9 pressure switch

The Ashcroft D4 differential pressure switch

The Ashcroft D7 NEMA 7/9 differential pressure switch

The Ashcroft LP NEMA pressure switch

The Ashcroft LD NEMA 4 watertight differential pressure switch

The Ashcroft GP NEMA 4 pressure switch

The Ashcroft GD-Series NEMA 4 differential pressure switch

The Ashcroft P-series NEMA 7/9 pressure switch 

The Ashcroft P-series NEMA 7/9 differential pressure switch

The Ashcroft NPI-Series NEMA 4 indicating pressure switch

The Ashcroft NPA-Series NEMA 4 indicating pressure switch

The Ashcroft F-Series NEMA 7 pressure switch

The Ashcroft GC30 indicating differential pressure transducer with switch outputs

The Ashcroft GC31 ultraultra-compact digital transducer with switch outputs

The Ashcroft GC35 indicating pressure transducer with switch outputs

The Ashcroft GC55 WET/ WET indicating differential pressure transducer with switch outputs


Cảm biến áp suất - Đầu dò/ Máy phát ASHCROFT (Pressure sensors Transducers/ Transmitters)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Cảm biến áp suất ASHCROFT 

The Ashcroft S1 OEM pressure transducer

The Ashcroft E2G general industrial pressure transducer

The Ashcroft G2 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft E2X and E2F pressure transducers

The Ashcroft E2S pressure transducer

The Ashcroft A2X pressure transmitter

The Ashcroft CXLDP differential pressure transducer

The Ashcroft DXLDP differential pressure transducer

The Ashcroft GXLDP differential indicating pressure transducer

The Ashcroft SL17 submersible transmitter

The Ashcroft E2 sanitary pressure transducer

The Ashcroft K1 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft KM15 OEM high volume pressure transducer

The Ashcroft KM 41/45 OEM pressure transducer

The Ashcroft ZL95 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft GV pressure transducer

The Ashcroft ZX12 high purity transmitter

The Ashcroft KD41 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft GC51 rangeable pressure transmitter

The Ashcroft ZT12 high purity transmitter

The Ashcroft GL42 low differential indicating pressure transmitter

The Ashcroft GC52 rangable wet/wet differential pressure transmitter

The Ashcroft T2 general purpose industrial pressure transducer

The Ashcroft RXLdp differential pressure transducer

The Ashcroft G3 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft IXLdp industrial differential transducer

The Ashcroft KM46 high pressure transducer

The Ashcroft AXLdp pressure transducer

The Ashcroft K2 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft K8 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft KX pressure transmitter

The Ashcroft A2 industrial pressure transducer

The Ashcroft ZL91 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft KS sanitary pressure transducer/transmitter

The Ashcroft A4 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft ZL92 pressure transducer

The Ashcroft ZT16 high purity pressure transmitter

The Ashcroft XLdp differential pressure transducer

The Ashcroft DM61 digital panel meter

The Ashcroft 4480 non-indicating pneumatic transmitter

The Ashcroft 4080 indicating pneumatic transmitter


Bộ cách ly màng ngăn ASHCROFT (Diaphragm Seals-Isolators)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Bộ cách ly màng ngăn ASHCROFT 

The Ashcroft 200 and 201 threaded diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 202 and 203 diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 80 isolation ring

The Ashcroft 100 and 101 threaded diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 102 and 103 flanged diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 81 isolation ring

The Ashcroft 510 and 511 compact, all-welded diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 310 and 315 mini-diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 82 isolation ring

The Ashcroft DF flush flanged diaphragm seal

The Ashcroft 740 and 741 high-displacement diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 330 all-welded flush mini-diaphragm seal

The Ashcroft 311 and 312 midi-diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 300 and 301 threaded diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 400 and 401 all-welded diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 702 and 703 high-displacement diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 402 and 403 flanged all-weld diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 500 and 501 all-welded diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 320 in-line quick-connect diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 205 in-line saddle diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 106 in-line flanged diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 204 in-line diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 105 in-line saddle diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 206 in-line flanged diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 302 and 303 diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 104 in-line diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 107 in-line socket-weld diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 108 in-line butt-weld diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 207 in-line socket-weld diaphragm seals

The Ashcroft 208 in-line butt-weld diaphragm seals


Phụ kiện ASHCROFT (Accessories)

The Ashcroft pressure limiting valve-PL02

The Ashcroft gauge valve-V01

The Ashcroft gauge valve-V02

The Ashcroft 2-valve block and bleed manifold-V01

The Ashcroft 2-valve block and bleed manifold-V02

The Ashcroft 3-valve remote mount manifold-V01

The Ashcroft 3-valve direct & remote mount manifolds-V02

The Ashcroft 3-valve manifold-V03

The Ashcroft 5-valve remote mount manifold-V01

The Ashcroft 5-valve direct & remote mount manifold-V02

The Ashcroft 5-valve manifold-V03

The Ashcroft Monoflange-V02

The Ashcroft high pressure ball valve-V02

The Ashcroft low pressure ball valve-V02

The Ashcroft 2198 MicroTube™ siphon

The Ashcroft 1198 finned siphon

The Ashcroft 1098 coil and 1100 pigtail steam siphons

The Ashcroft 1115A and 1115P capillary lines

The Ashcroft 1112 pressure snubber

The Ashcroft 316 stainless steel PD02 adjustable pressure snubber

The Ashcroft 1106 pulsation dampener

The Ashcroft 7001L and 7004L steel needle valves

The Ashcroft MDV swivel adapter

The Ashcroft 2265 electric warning contact


Cụm máy phát SMART ASHCROFT (SMART Transmitter Assemblies) 

Ashcroft SMART transmitter assemblies


Thiết bị đo nhiệt độ ASHCROFT


Nhiệt kế ASHCROFT (Thermometers)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Nhiệt kế ASHCROFT 

The Ashcroft Model E bimetallic thermometer

The Ashcroft C bimetallic thermometer

The Ashcroft C-600 A Duratemp gas actuated thermometer

The Ashcroft C-600 B Duratemp gas actuated thermometer

The Ashcroft Model K Dual Sensor thermometer

The Ashcroft S5500 gas actuated thermometer


Giếng nhiệt ASHCROFT (Thermowells)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Giếng nhiệt ASHCROFT

Ashcroft threaded thermowell

Ashcroft flanged thermowell

Ashcroft socket weld thermowell

Ashcroft Van Stone thermowell

Ashcroft weld-in thermowell

Ashcroft sanitary thermowell

Ashcroft Vortex thermowells

Công tắc nhiệt độ ASHCROFT (Temperature Switches)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Công tắc nhiệt độ ASHCROFT 

The Ashcroft T4 NEMA 4X temperature switch

The Ashcroft T7 NEMA 7/9 explosion proof temperature Switch

The Ashcroft GT NEMA 4 temperature switch

The Ashcroft LT NEMA 4 temperature switch

The Ashcroft PT NEMA 9 explosion proof temperature switch


Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm RTD ASHCROFT 

The Ashcroft S10 RTD with metric connections

The Ashcroft S50 industrial RTD with NPT connections

The Ashcroft S01 RTD Mineral Insulated Probe Insert Assemblies

The Ashcroft S81 RTD temperature probe with mineral insulation

Can nhiệt ASHCROFT (Thermocouples)

Đại lý giá tốt của các dòng sản phẩm Can nhiệt ASHCROFT 

S70 tube skin thermocouple

S01 Thermocouple Mineral Insulated Probe Insert Assemblies

S80 thermocouple temperature probe

S10 Thermocouple with metric connections

S50 industrial Thermocouple with NPT connections

Cảm biến nhiệt độ đa điểm ASHCROFT (Multipoint Temperature Sensors)

Ashcroft multipoint temperature sensors

Cảm biến nhiệt độ OEM ASHCROFT (OEM Temperature Sensors)

The Ashcroft KTS1 temperature sensor

The Ashcroft ITS - OEM  temperature sensor


Thiết bị kiểm tra ASHCROFT


Máy hiệu chuẩn ASHCROFT (Calibrators)

The Ashcroft PT-1 bench-top digital calibrator

The Ashcroft ATE-2 handheld digital calibrator

The Ashcroft ST-2A bench top digital pressure indicator

Bơm tay - Bộ điều khiển ASHCROFT (Hand Pumps - Controllers)

The Ashcroft AVC-1000 and AVC-3000 pressure volume controllers

The DPPV-KIT combination pressure and vacuum pumps

The DCAP-KIT pneumatic hand pump

The QTHP-KIT hydraulic hand pump

Máy kiểm tra thủy lực ASHCROFT (Hydraulic Testers)

The Ashcroft 1305D and 1305DH portable deadweight testers

The Ashcroft 1327CM pressure gauge comparator

The Ashcroft 1327D pressure gauge comparator

Đồng hồ đo kiểm tra ASHCROFT (Test Gauges)

The Ashcroft 2084, 2086, and 2089 digital test gauges

The Ashcroft A4A precision dial pressure gauge


Đại lý phân phối ASHCROFT tại Việt Nam

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  1. VPĐD: Số 1, Đường số 27, Phường Hiệp Bình Chánh, Quận Thủ Đức, Tp.HCM

  2. Nhân viên kinh doanh: Trung ( Mr.Trung)

  3. Email:  sale18@tmpvietnam.com        Tel:  0914.981.967

  4. VP tại Đức: Am Boscheler Berg 4a 52134 Herzogenrath

  5. Website: gianhangtudonghoa.com

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